Your Heart Has A Brain
In the past, medicine has looked at the heart as a mechanical pump; there to do a job of circulating blood through the systems of arteries and veins. Research is showing there is more to the story.
For more than 25 years now, the Heart Math Institute has been studying the heart. What they have discovered is bringing entirely new insights into the way we understand the heart and it’s role in our lives.
They discovered a network of neurons that carry both short term and long term memory and it’s own power source. The brain cannot live without the heart working, but the heart can live without the brain. Read more here.
Water, something so basic to life, is not as simple as you may think. And, all water is not created equal in how it hydrates your body. You may be putting fluids into your body, but that does not mean your cells are being properly hydrated.
Coffee and caffeinated drinks are actually diuretics that promote elimination, along with vital nutrients your body needs.
Research done by Dr. Gerald Pollak, has discovered what he calls the fourth phase of water: structure. This structure is what is vital to the health of all living organisms. Find out what you can do to properly hydrate your body.
3 Simple Words Can Make A Difference
Have you ever felt anxious about something you have to do? This article explains how 3 simple words can change your outlook on anything that you may get anxious about. So, instead of giving you the scoop, just go directly to the source for this great information.