Removing toxins from your body helps rejuvenate your health.
If better health is your goal, this is a vital step to accomplish it. Much of what causes stress also builds up as toxins in the systems of your body. When a system becomes over-saturated with toxins, it starts to break down. There is a simple experiment you can do to demonstrate. Start adding sugar or salt to water, when the water is saturated, the sugar or salt will no longer dissolve. It’s the same with toxins in your body.
Your body is an amazing organism and is able to remove a normal toxic load, until it becomes saturated. At that point, toxins are no longer easily eliminated, build up and start to wreak havoc causing your systems to break down. Just like when you stress a branch beyond it’s strength, it breaks.
What kind of things are toxic to your body?
As stated in the 4th article on stress, we mentioned processed foods adding to stress, these same elements build up as toxins in your body. Then there is emotional stress that causes adverse chemical reactions in your body that are toxic. The current condition of the environment is also a major contributor to the overload saturation of your body.
Look around, it’s the exhaust from cars and factories, pollutants in the water, as well as pesticides that are used on foods; the list goes on and on. Even the overload of EMF’s in our world of modern technology produces a toxic effect on your body. Better health can only come when the toxic load is reduced.
Every living thing was designed to eliminate toxins which it is exposed to, but not to the extreme there is today. Your body is clever and finds other ways to deal with this overload, like storing them in tissues to be released and processed later. When the tissues of systems are constantly saturated, the toxic build up continues and begins to break the system down.
There are ways you can help your body with this overload and that is by cleansing and detoxifying.
There is a difference between ‘cleansing’ and ‘detoxifying.’
Cleansing, as we refer to it here, is a way of cleaning the residue of toxic elements from the pathways of your body, such as the veins, arteries, small intestine, colon, etc. Detoxifying refers more to getting the toxins out of the tissues structures. When your body is saturated with toxins, it will store them in tissues like fat or skin cells. Even joint pain can be from a toxic build up.
Simple Ways To Cleanse and Detoxify Your Body.
A word of caution here. Be careful of products that promote detoxifying your body. Pay very close attention to how you feel if you choose them. All toxins have to be processed by the liver before they are eliminated. If they are removed at a higher rate than the liver can process, you may not feel well.
Signs that your liver is overloaded may be feeling nauseated, or having pain or distress in your abdominal area. They may show up as aches and pains in your joints, headaches or feeling tired all the time. It may be best for you to stop for several days. When you start again, go at a slower pace; maybe half of what you had done before. It took a long time to get this way, it will take more than a few weeks to get it resolved.
A more natural approach is always a good place to start when building better health. Eating fresh fruits and veggies puts more fiber in your diet that binds with toxins for elimination. Something as simple as drinking more water with a touch of lemon is another refreshing way. Then there is an amazing tea that gently detoxifies, it’s called Flor-Essence. It’s an old Indian Medicine remedy and available at many health food stores and online.
Prevention is better than treatment.
Preventing a problem is always better than trying to alleviate a condition once it develops. When it comes to your health, taking responsibility to make the best choices possible can prevent health issues from developing. Your due diligence along with informed choices can be a powerful combination for a healthier life. Here is a great blog that has 9 easy ways to help you reduce your toxic load.
Many chronic health issues today are attributed to the toxic build up in your body. For those dealing with health issues, it’s always advisable to check with your doctor. Working with the first 4 steps in our ‘6 Easy Steps For Better Health’ series, you will find they also help reduce the toxic load that has built up. As you incorporate each step into your daily routine, you will begin to notice positive changes in how you feel with all aspects of your life: emotionally, mentally as well as physically.
There are times when it may be difficult for you to make the changes that are necessary. You are not alone, many people may need help in this area. Contact Me for help on your journey to a life worth living. Discover your options here.