This essential oil is more than its fun name! It begins as a gorgeous yellow flower that flourishes in tropical climates. On the island of Java it was used to combat malaria and asthma. It was also used to alleviate fever, soothe irritated skin and bug bites, and prevent infections. French chemists Garnier and Rechner recognized ylang ylang’s healing properties in the early twentieth century. It was, and is, often used alongside jasmine in perfumes.
More recently, ylang ylang essential oil is used for a variety of ailments. It is a powerful antidepressant and anti-anxiety. It has also been known to induce feelings of joy. As an antiseptic, it is useful for treating minor cuts and burns.
Many have found it to be an effective treatment for high blood pressure. It is also a nervine and provides a boost for the nervous system. It can even repair damage done to the nervous system! It is also useful in treating fatigue, insomnia and stress.
To use ylang ylang diffuse, apply on location or to Vita Flex points. Use in the appropriate doses as the over-use can sometimes cause nausea and headaches. Ylang ylang blends nicely with other oils like lavender, bergamot, lemon, and jasmine. As always, if you are pregnant please consult your physician before using essential oils. If you have any questions, please contact me!