Beliefs dramatically impact us, and are held in the subconscious mind. They comprise the very core roots upon which we build every aspect of our life. Many of our beliefs have served us well, but there are those that do not. Only now are we able to easily release the beliefs that no longer serve us.
Our conscious mind keeps us aware of the happenings around us. When we see something we like or taste a delicious food for the first time, that perception is being experienced through the conscious mind. However, if there’s something we don’t like, that dislike is based upon a past experience which is held in the subconscious mind. Past experiences form the basis on which a web of beliefs are built around us.
Where do beliefs come from?
Let’s use the analogy of a tree. It’s fairly accurate to describe beliefs as being the root system that supports our lives, like a tree, and from which our life unfolds. Notice how the roots of a tree grow from the soil that surrounds them. Likewise, we could say it is our soil (environment) that supports the beliefs we hold. The soil represents all the influences in our lives.
Our culture, family values, ancestral history, religion, friends, etc.; everything that encompasses our lives while growing up, form into the beliefs we hold. Most of our perceptions about life formed very early in age as a result of what was going on around us. Our subconscious mind holds these subjective views as beliefs, and references them as a guide on how to behave or act in the future. This process occurs automatically without conscious thought.
Our emotions as well as symptoms become the physical expressions of what is being held in the subconscious mind. Relief can be achieved working with physical symptoms. However, if the underlying belief system is not resolved, those emotions and physical symptoms are regenerated over and over again, just like a tree that’s only been partially cut down.
Over the years of working with The Emotion Code and The Body Code, Dr. Bradley Nelson understood the underlying concept that emotions and behaviors are part of entire belief systems rooted deeper in the subconscious mind. Dr. Nelson developed these concepts further into what is now The Belief Code. When we unearth and release unwanted subconscious belief systems we free our mind, body and spirit. Only then do we have the true ability to become all we are meant to be.
What is a belief?
A belief is an acceptance that something is true or that it exists, and may not be based on proof. It is a subjective view held by the subconscious mind whether something is right or wrong; true or false; real or not; and creates the filter through which we view and experience life.
What is The Belief Code?
The Belief Code is an Advanced Healing Process that works to remove entire belief systems, held within the subconscious mind, that keep us from our fullest life expression. Whether we are aware of them or not, our emotions and what we feel in our body are a direct result of the beliefs that are embedded deep inside.
How does The Belief Code Work?
The Belief Code follows the same principles as The Emotion Code and The Body Code, utilizing mind-mapping technology developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson. It is comprised of seven main categories with sub-categories beneath each. These seven categories are: Divine; Insight; Communication; Love; Power; Passion; and Survival. The Belief Code is a process by which we easily and effectively find entire belief systems that are no longer servicing us and release them.
The Four Pillars of The Belief Code.
Faulty Core Identity:
Using the tree analogy, beliefs come from the soil which is referred to as the Faulty Core Identity. These beliefs usually begin with the environment surrounding the child, absorbing ideas, actions and behaviors of others around them without question. This soil becomes fertile with all the influences going into it without our own personal input or our conscious awareness. This forms what we believe about ourself as our identity.
Faulty Core Belief:
The root system grows in this fertile soil from which a vast array of beliefs are formed. These beliefs become a tangled web of systems building the foundation supporting all aspects of our entire life. Whether these beliefs are empowering or limiting, they form the basis of who and what we think we are.
Limiting Beliefs:
Limiting beliefs come together to form the trunk of the tree. These beliefs are entwined and form aspects of life’s expression which hold us back from our full potential. We truly have no idea the multitude of limiting beliefs being held in our subconscious mind.
Negative Programs:
As with the branches of a tree expanding out into the world, the negative programs we run from the beliefs that are held in our subconscious mind, branch out into all areas of our life. They are the most noticeable in any Faulty Core Belief System, and present as physical symptoms, negative self-talk, negative feelings or behavior and even pessimistic mind chatter. These are examples of how beliefs can affect our lives.
The Belief Code gets to the core of negative beliefs that drive our lives from behind the scenes of our conscious mind. When those negative core beliefs systems are released, our life improves in all areas. We can now be free of the belief chains that bind us and move into a life of possibilities.
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