- Thoughts & Emotions: Part 1
- Thoughts and Emotions Part 2: How do emotions become trapped?
- Thoughts and Emotions Part 3: The Heart-Wall
- Thoughts and Emotions Part 4: The Emotion Code
- Thoughts and Emotions Part 5: The Body Code
The Emotion Code is an amazing form of energy healing which allows us to easily identify and release negative emotional and physical energies, from our past, that have become trapped within us. In the past several weeks we have discussed emotional baggage and how it impacts our health. If trapped emotions are the origin of disease, then the Emotion Code is the cure.
Everything is made of energy, including our bodies. On the atomic level, we are simply empty space and pure energy. It is the vibration of this energy that makes each individual unique. Take, for example, your hand. To the naked eye, it is unique. No hand looks exactly like yours. Magnify it 40X and you’ll see skin cells. Magnify it 850,000X and you can see the DNA strands that make your hand unique to you. Magnify it even more, 1,000,000X, and we can see the atoms. They are almost completely empty space, pure energy vibrating at a frequency unique to you. The emotions we experience are also energy. All of this energy interacts, and can be negative in the case of trapped emotions.
The Emotion Code is a safe and gentle way to release trapped emotions and restore balance and harmony in our body, enabling it to heal. Dr. Bradley Nelson, the same man who discovered the Heart-Wall, discovered this method of healing. Our mind is like an iceberg—a small percentage of our mind is conscious, actively aware and making decisions. Our subconscious mind is much like the underwater portion of an iceberg. It is actively storing information from every single one of our experiences, but we are not cognitively aware of it. The Emotion Code uses questioning and muscle testing (kinesiology) to get answers from the subconscious about the emotions trapped within an individual’s body. Once the trapped emotion is identified, the practitioner uses therapeutic magnets to amplify their intention and send it into the body through the Governing Median, a major energy channel used in acupuncture. This powerful energy releases the trapped emotion and restores balance in the body.
This amazing process has helped the body heal from many ailments, including back pain, anxiety, depression, diabetes, sciatica, insomnia, frigidity, headaches, and more. Many people report feeling more free following a session. It addresses both physical and emotional issues and gives the body the resources to heal itself and avoid disease. It is the best answer to the problem of trapped emotions and Heart-Walls.
If you are struggling with health problems or difficulty with emotions—imbalance, stress, fear, anxiety, depression, etc—the Emotion Code will help you on your journey to a whole and healthy life. If you’d like to learn more about this process and how it can help you, contact me to schedule a FREE 20 minute consultation! If you are ready to move forward in healing your body, contact me to schedule a session!
This is a very simple overview of the Emotion Code. For more information, please refer to Dr. Bradley Nelson’s book The Emotion Code.